For the final project, students worked with Media Maker Interns at Castle Square Tenants Organization to create area maps and base maps of seven Chinatown open spaces, conduct a series of site observations at the open spaces, and map/record their usage patterns. They then created visual summaries of their joint analysis and findings.
Download Observing Open Spaces in Boston Chinatown
Chin Park
Team: Betsy Schwefler & Remi Messier with Ananda Scott & Marialuisa Castillo Arias
Reggie Wong Memorial Park
Team: Ethan Matthews & Renata Palau with Allen Chen & Justine Palmer
Tai Tung Village Playground & Park
Team: Camille Wimpe & Cynthia Cheng with Frankie Gomez & Kevin Morisset
Eliot Norton Park
Team: Kaelin O’Connell & Hans-Nikolas Romano with Cesar Aguilar & Hannah Li